9 Things Happy People Do to Stress Less


Mark and Angel Hack Life have my favorite website on the internet – check out their link for their full explanation of these points.

1. Know what you’re trying to achieve and why. My Notes: Keep it simple and written down. Focus on them everyday as your guiding principals.

2. Do less by focusing exclusively on what’s important.

3. Think progress, not perfection. My Notes: No one is perfect. Neither you nor the people in your life. Deal with it. Focus on making yourself better before the world.

4. Cleanse your heart every night.

5. Purge untrue thoughts. My Notes: Dont lie to yourself or anyone else. You’re wasting your time bullshiting yourself and eventually you’ll have to face the truth. Dont delay, face it now. It saves a lot of work.

7. Be kind to your body.

8. Do one nice thing for yourself every day.

9. Simplify.

Source: http://www.marcandangel.com/2013/05/23/9-things-happy-people-do-to-stress-less/