How To Stay Ignorant Following One Social Media God

I am more afraid of an army of one hundred sheep led by a lion than an army of one hundred lions led by a sheep. ~Charles Maurice, Prince de Talleyrand-Périgord

One of the most interesting things in Social Media is the bevy of people who read one book, hear one speaker and being “lightly educated,” proclaim that person their Social Media “God.” They go around praising their single “Gods” teachings as irrefutable and denouncing all others. Just like people do with dogma, once they have made a choice they blindly block out other possibilities and any other options that might add to their belief systems quality. Its the worst in human nature because people are usually too lazy to think for themselves and they love pre-form thought. Its even more interesting because many people are new to Social Media from the jobless market or new to marketing for that matter. People even do it with me.

Where this gets annoying, is when one of them or a mob pack starts burning crosses in your lawn because you dont subscribe or worship their Social Media God’s ideals. They start spewing hate like little school children on you’re Twitter and Facebook streams. Real “Social” huh. The “stupid” irony is amazing.

Social Media is a pretty new idea and the technology is changing so fast. Theres a huge melting pot of ideas out there. No one is ever right 100% of the time and in this fluid ever changing world if you were right yesterday, you may not be right tomorrow.

I’ve spend over 20+ years being a successful serial entrepreneur. My library of reading and education came from a wealth of various business leaders. I’ve also been a huge “do it yourself” innovator and experimenter, constantly testing to see what really works. Early on I did lean a lot to one very popular business theorist. I found that he was right about 1/2 of the time and the times when his “blue sky ideals” were wrong it threatened to bankrupt my business. There tons of people with “ideas.” Thats when I learned that it was wise to follow people who had built successful large companies like I wanted and not business journalists or “pie in the sky” theorists. Everyone has a great idea on how business “should be” but not really much has changed in business. The problem is making these “blue sky” theories work and thats why 99% of Entrepreneurs fail. They take one idea and run it into the ground.

‘Ten geographers who think the world is flat will tend to reinforce each others errors….Only a sailor can set them straight’. John Ralston Saul, ‘Voltaire’s Bastards’. Quit being a conformist or thinking like one.

So heres my advice. Be an idea collector for various and opposing thoughts. Have more than one “GOD.” THINK YOUR OWN THOUGHTS. Question “authority.” If ever a speaker who spoke from a podium was right all the time we’d have perfect U.S. Presidents. TEST! TEST! TEST! Do your own independent testing. Dont rest on the laurels of ideas that are stale, old and now uncompetitive. This is the information age working at a nanosecond. Whatever was “last year” has definitely changed. Dont be a lemming. Spare yourself from embarrassment by looking like a groupie starfucker to the rest of us with the constant lusting gushes, at the very least. Really. Even if its about me. Think for yourself. Expand your “gods.”

In the end some people will chide me on this post that I offered up myself too, but more so I write this because I believe and respect the faith that your original thought that you might share with me might be better than my own…I’d like to see what that is.

“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most importantly, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs