Klout for Business Is Here @Brianbooher


Businesses rejoice!  Now you have a better way to be able to track how well your products or services are doing on the vast ocean that is the Internet.  Klout for Business is now available.

In case you don’t know what Klout is, Klout is a service that is able to track how well you influence other people when dealing with products and services.  After lots of number crunching from social networks to blogs, a score is produced on how effective you are.  The way that Klout describes it is that it’s not how much you post, but how effective you get people to do something.

The example that Klout’s website gives is say you make a post about a sushi bar that you like in your town.  From that one post about how much you like it, Klout tracks all the people who commented on the post, retweeted it, and say they enjoy it too.  If you are able to get 1000 people to try out that sushi bar with just that one post, then your Klout score will be high.

You can see what happens when celebrities and big name people like President Obama say they like something.  When President Obama picked out his new dog, a Portuguese Water Dog, people across the country wanted one too. Klout’s website currently has President Obama Klout score at 99.

Klout for Business gives business owners and companies the ability to track how their products and services are doing on the Internet.  If you send out a tweet announcing a new product, you can track how many people have retweeted, responded, or reviewed your product.  Klout for Business is a good way to see just how effective your online advertising is doing by tracking the number of impressions that people make on the web.  The ability to influence people about your product or service without having to flood people with ads will help get your Klout score up.

I think that if Apple was to use this service, their score would be really high since basically everything they make has a great effect on consumers.  All they really have to do is announce something once, and let the consumers take it from there in spreading the word.

So if you want to find out how to promote your business better with tools that can help you track what your customers are doing and saying, try out Klout for Business.

Disclosure: Chris Voss advises Klout in their Klout Squad Network.