AT&T Nokia 900 Lumia 4G LTE Smartphone Review #attmobilereview @att @nokia @windowsphone

I’m very impressed with the Lumia so far. I’m doing a *30 day review of this phone and updating my experience with video and pictures. Stay tuned as I update. I got a chance to test the 4G LTE network by using the phone as an Internet Hotspot. See below.

I was blown away at the speed of using the AT&T 4G LTE Internet Sharing on the Nokia. It ROCKED in testing where at the gym I could watch movies and TV shows on 2 other devices viewing them without issues and still using the Nokia. SUPER IMPRESSED.

One thing that is cool with the big screen is you can choose between Full View Web Browsing or Mobile View. looks great!

Spotify and Music Playing downloads on AT&T 4G LTE Network ROCK! On my iPhone 4S on Verizon 3G playing music sucks and is buggy.

I love the big screen on the phone – its AWESOME for images and VIDEO!

The cool unique thing I like about the Lumia is you can actually change the features of the the camera you cannot do on some other phones. Its cool to be able to play with the features. Stay tuned for a video on this.

You can see the Specs at: