Chris Voss on The Top 50 People Most Retweeted by Digital Marketers

Reported initially to me by on a joint study by Leadtail and PunchTab they studied the Top 50 People Digital Marketers Retweet most. Keep in mind this is very powerful in that being retweeted by OTHER top Digital Marketers with huge audiences makes my and their impressions rates MASSIVE on what we discuss. It helps my posts go widespread.

Yours truly, made the list at #38 beating big names like 43. Stephen Colbert, 44. Magic Johnson, 45. George Takei, 46. Ariana Huffington, 47. Marc Andreessen, 48. Elon Musk, 50. Gary Vaynerchuk.
Keep in mind while some of these names may get retweeted by small follower accounts, the power and reach of getting retweeted by LARGE powerful marketers is a super honor. This is a list of people also I highly respect and many I call friends.


38. Chris Voss – @CHRISVOSS


You can download their report here: