10 Things Happy Families Do Differently

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MarcandAngel.com make a superb masterful blog of great thoughts and ideas at making your life better. Check out their website and this recent article. For the full read goto their website but here are some of the key points.

1. Every day, every member chooses to be part of the family.
2. Family members go out of their way for each other.
3. Family sticks together through thick and thin.
4. Everyone is permitted to be true to themselves.
5. Everyone takes responsibility for their own happiness.
6. Caring words are used to communicate, always.
7. The truth is upheld and promises are kept.
8. Everyone makes QUALITY time for each other.
9. Presence is held sacred.
10. Patience and forgiveness are practiced daily.

Read the details at the Source: 9. http://www.marcandangel.com/2014/01/12/10-things-happy-families-do-differently/#more-708