So I’d lived with 5000 friends pounding my feed with information on Facebook since 2009. With Facebooks new changes its become obvious quality is respected over quantity. I set out to find how many people actually “listen” too me and turns out after 5 years it was only about 1000 people that where friends with me. That meant 4000 people needed to go. There is no good way to do it but here is the most efficient way I found. Dont make the same mistakes I did by adding every one and everything. Many were added back when social media was a wild new frontier.
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That makes things easier
haha… indeed, why have all people who don’t listen anyways. Good plan! Should try out myself to unfollow several 🙂
One network leader on EA told me that I’d be better off if I followed @xeeme and tweeted with them even though they would never interact with me. Very strange that he would expect me to promote his business association while they never reciprocated or even interacted.
I ended up unfollowing them both.
Great tips, Chris! I hadn’t realized scrubbing FB was such a challenge. Clearly, I haven’t scrubbed in a while. 😉 How many days did it take you?
Will miss seeing your wonderful doggie pic and your industry infos
So it seems you’re back up to 5,000. 😐
Unable to Send Friend Request
This person can’t accept new friend requests, but you are now following them.
If you’re willing to do just a few a day, look at the birthday list. If you don’t know or care anything about the person having the birthday, defriend. Harsh in theory to delete someone on his or her birthday, but chances are they won’t even notice. But if they do, do you really even care? (If you care, try another method.)
I have an almost perfect friends list now.
Another, faster way: Go to a fan page for something hateful. Nuke the people who like it.
No – you know whats weird I only have 1200 but it keeps telling people that. Weird huh.