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Chris I don't know if it's deliberate or not, but, I've noticed a kind of metamorphosis in your work here. When you first turned me on to your work there wasn't as much video, you had some writing and some suggestions and some improvements, for which I will always be eternally grateful, your insight is so enormous and accurate, but now it sees you are doing a lot of video, and that's really cool. Gonna mix in some doo dads with instructions for us simple folk too? Luv ya big guy keep sendnig us stuff…
The Chris Voss Show: The Chris Voss Show
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Hi Chris, this is my first time here and I would like to thank you for the advise. I'm have subscribe to your Youtube channel as well. I have a store on the internet and sales have been slow. But you have encourage me not to give up on it yet. I have had it for over a year now. There is a company that contact me about advertising with articles and that they will do a blog also. I think your right. This might be the new approach that I need for my business. Thanks much will be back for more info.
Hi Chris, this is my first time here and I would like to thank you for the advise. I have subscribe to your Youtube channel as well. I have a store on the internet and sales have been slow. But you have encourage me not to give up on it yet. I have had it for over a year now. There is a company that contact me about advertising with articles and that they will do a blog also. I think your right. This might be the new approach that I need for my business. Thanks much will be back for more info.