AOL forced its poor customer service to a point, that many of the nations Attorney Generals fought them and the same has happened with Facebook and Myspace. Why do the “social media companies” who espouse this socialness not “get” customer service? How come poor customer service still exists with tech social companies? ISNT ZAPPOS.COM A GREAT EXAMPLE OF CUSTOMER SERVICE TOO IN TECH.
Yes it's time we voted for change and responsibility. Thanks
Chris, great points. It really IS astounding that social media companies don't get that ESSENTIAL part of social media…trust! And as a user of social media, it's frustrating to know that a social media profile that can take a serious time investment can go “poof” overnight with no explanation and little to no recourse on the part of the user.
Glad you're addressing this. Time to “rock the boat” on this issue!
Thanks Chris. Growth is an issue but Customer Service seems to be left
behind as the norm. These companies are funded for billions of dollars, its
not that they dont have the money or the propensity to be able to hire, its
that they dont make it accent it in their systems. Look at Zappos, who has
great service. When you building a company fast you can build customer
service with it, it just needs to be a priority.
Thanks again,
Chris: It should be noted that the State of New York has something called the Martin Act, which gives it the ability to subpoena just about everybody that has any sort of presence in the State.
Also, Google does stuff pretty well on the customer service side.
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Hi Chris
This was a great customer service video Chris. What social media company out there will be the new type of Good to Great company?
This was really good. We all most likely can relate to this.
Thanks, When you say good to great company what do you mean – the new
hottest one? Foursquare will be this year.
Hi Chris
This was a great customer service video Chris. What social media company out there will be the new type of Good to Great company?
This was really good. We all most likely can relate to this.
Thanks, When you say good to great company what do you mean – the new
hottest one? Foursquare will be this year.
AGREE 100%! We are preaching that social media about listening to our customers, but social networks fail to do that…I find that very interesting. I am not sure how sustainable this will be. The people who are running these companies are techies and as we all know techies are the most anti-social…they don't want to deal with people…PERIOD! Good one Chris!
Try talking to Verizon!
Chris, you've done a great job in identifying the ills of so many tech (and quite a few non-tech) companies and are making the right statements too about it.
Here's a few bullets (from my experience in building Contact Centers, Managing Contact Centers and Processes):
1. Contact Centers exist (in a companies view) because the have to have a way to let customers call in about their product or service. Stress on the “Have to Have” thought.
2. Companies think they are providing customer service by letting customers call in and maybe even getting to talk to somebody.
3. Companies think that Contact Centers are an expense or cost center that they have no choice but to have (versus a potential profit center)
4. Companies state Customer Service directives, but only look at the stats and not what is actually happening within their centers.
5. Companies are not taking the time to setup their Contact Centers to be profit centers and therefore not staffing with the right people.
6. Tech companies (and techs) tend to be hugely arrogant in the fact that they staff their Contact Centers with techs who have no people skills
7. Techs tend to be on the arrogant side (this is a huge generalization on my part, not true for all Techs) who don't want to be bothered with calls from non-Techs
8. through 1,000, i.e. the list is long and the companies that work to get it right is unfortunately not quite so long.
Hopefully companies will start to see these facts and conditions (my list, your video, etc.) and start to get it together. The technology is there to help them get there, but technology alone (I'm counting Social Media loosley as a technology) will not get them there by itself.
Very good points Chris.
Very good points Chris.
I am so with you there!! I absolutely hate trying to get in contact with FB, Twitter or any other social network for that matter. They’re all such a PAIN to deal with and they NEVER get back to you. I really don’t understand why this is. As you say, their networks are focused around better communication with everyone, yet their company can’t keep that same mantra for their company. Ridiculous.