The Chris Voss Show Podcast – Hesed: Does the Tanakh Foreshadow Jesus? (The Loving-kindness of G-d) by Mark Stouffer

Hesed: Does the Tanakh Foreshadow Jesus? (The Loving-kindness of G-d) by Mark Stouffer

WHILE arguing with the Jewish religious leaders, Jesus said, “You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is these that bear witness of Me; . . .” In this series of books we will examine the Tanakh in order to see if Jesus’ claim has any merit.

In Hesed we will consider if the sacrificial system prescribed in the Torah prefigures Jesus’ death on the cross. We will do so by asking such root level questions as:
Why did the Jews need to sacrifice lambs at the first Passover in order to be exempt from G-d’s judgement? After all, they were the victims in this event of slavery and oppression.
Why did the High Priest need to immediately exit G-d’s presence once he sprinkled the blood in the Holy of Holies? Didn’t the blood atone for his sins on Yom Kippur?
We will also examine the lives of Joseph, Moses, David, and Daniel. For, there are some noticeable similarities between their lives and Jesus’ life. The question is, were these details purposely inserted in the Tanakh to foreshadow Jesus, or is this just a coincidence?

Join author Mark Stouffer as he seeks to understand the intended meaning of the Biblical authors.

Hesed is for Jewish people who want to know the truth about Jesus. It is also good for Christians who want to learn about the Tanakh, or Old Testament.

About the author
Mark Stouffer is a retired engineer who lives with his family in Columbus, Ohio. He was born in 1960 and grew up loving sports. Mark graduated with a degree in Civil Engineering from Ohio State in 1983. After college, G-d reached out to Mark. G-d held Mark’s heart in His hand and said, “I am here.” Mark received Jesus as his L-rd and Savior, and everything changed.

Mark has a passion for the Bible, which he has been studying and teaching for over 40 years. It has always been Mark’s goal to learn the message that each Bible author intended as opposed to trying to make the Bible agree with his beliefs. Out of His grace, G-d called Mark to write this important four volume series. Indeed, the subject of these books was never Mark’s idea.